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This study aimed to examine the impact of immersive experiences on Gen-Z in Indonesia and their repurchase intention of virtual heritage tours. Based on a recent suggestion to explore the effects of Mixed Reality on visitor experience, an e-questionnaire was distributed digitally through platforms such as WhatsApp, Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok. Convenience sampling method was used to collect data from 128 respondents. The findings indicated that Gen-Z in Indonesia expressed an intention to repurchase virtual heritage tours after experiencing at least one high-quality tour. The quality of the virtual heritage tour was determined by its ability to create a virtual environment that mimics a real environment and stimulates users' physical senses, as well as the quality of its content. These two factors were found to be the most significant indicators of a successful virtual heritage tour. The findings have practical implications for heritage management, including the use of immersive technology as an alternative way for users to experience heritage sites and to mitigate overtourism. Additionally, this study contributes to the fields of Information and Communication Technology and Tourism, specifically virtual tours and Indonesia. Further research may investigate other factors that may influence Gen-Z's repurchase intention of virtual heritage tours.
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